One should not get sick if one writes a blog. Apparently you get all wrapped up in yourself and forget to write. For a very long time.
One should also not get sick if one has a family.
Or loved ones.
Or has anyone in the near vicinity.
After having my cold for about a week (which, subsequently turned into bronchitis), my little munchkin got sick. Then my husband caught a little something. Then my mother got a cold. My cousin caught it. And my other cousin's new little baby caught it.
It's like the movie Contagion over here.
Except that I didn't see that movie. As a general rule, hypochondriacs (like me) should not watch movies about wide-spread, mysterious diseases. But I can imagine that my cold was probably a lot like that movie.
Minus Matt Damon and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Maybe it's more like the movie Outbreak (which I also didn't see).
I'm a carrier monkey.
We're all better now. The germs have left the building. A good thing, too, because we've got some Halloween decorating to do this weekend.
My son does still cough, but mostly because he knows we'll say "Are you ok?" and then he'll just smile at us. Yeah, we're in trouble there. But that's a post for another time.
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