Some days I’m in my pajamas until almost noon. Ok, most days.
It’s not due to laziness or anything like that. I have a good excuse.
His name is Zach.
Zach is my (very nearly, almost) 10-month old son. And for those of you who have (or have had) a 10-month old, you know what I’m going through. You can’t get anything done unless they’re unconscious. They crawl everywhere. They pull themselves up on everything. They are the most adorable creatures imaginable. And they’re exhausting.
I think I am more tired now than I was when we first brought Zach home from the hospital. Sure, we had to get up in the wee hours of the morning to feed him, but otherwise he slept all the time (and I did sleep when he slept – mostly). He was cute and cuddly and immobile. When you put him somewhere, he stayed there.
Now he’s pulling up on the coffee table. And he’s taking all the DVDs off the shelves. And he’s trying to dump the dog food on the floor. And he’s rifling through the clothes hamper. And he’s trying to push open the shower door when I’m in there.
The other day he actually unplugged the alarm clock. Now don’t get all crazy on me, our house is “baby proofed.” But, seriously people, who thinks the kid is gonna crawl under the bed?!
I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer get adequately clean while my child runs (ok, crawls) amok in our bedroom. Which is why I have to wait until Zach is taking his nap before I can shower. So…
Most days I’m in my pajamas until noon.
And I’m good with that.
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